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IESY has made a lot of outstanding achievements which have really changed the lives of its members and the community at large who are the indirect beneficiaries.

IESY successfully registered as a Community Based Organization with the District Authorities and acquired a Certificate of Registration with the registration number IDIG/189/09.

IESY successfully completed its outreaches and sensitization workshops, under the topic “Poverty eradication as a way for a self sustaining Community, and how to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS in our Communities.” This included visiting various villages in Bulamagi Sub Countyand the workshops mainly targeted Busoga University Students.


Above is one of the workshops IESY held at Campus Joint CMS Iganga District where about forty (40) Busoga University Students attended, in centre is the Executive Secretary / Finance and Administration officer, Mr. Walama Henry.                                                                                                                     


In centre is Mr. Mukama Charles and on the right, Mr. Tenya Paul, IESY Executives sharing ideas with Busoga University Students at Campus Joint CMS, Iganga District.


1. Piggery Project 


  Above is the Chairperson supervising on the piggery Project         


Above is the Executive Secretary /                                     One of IESY members (women wing)

Finance and Administration.                                      Supplying Food to the pig

Walama Henry attending to pigs


 2.    Coffee Project 

Under this project we have come up with various nursery beds for Colonel Coffee out of which we expect an estimate of about two thousand (20,000) seedlings. The nursery beds are also acting as demonstration farms where various groups of people come and visit; acquire knowledge and skills which they are applying to their areas too.


IESY members preparing Coronal Coffee Nursery Beds

 3.     Environmental conservation

The fact that we do encourage conservation of the environment; IESY came up with a demonstration farm and do teach the community members the benefits of conserving and maintaining our natural resources. Below is the IESY demonstration farm for tree planting.


IESY Volunteers Conserving the Environment and above is the demonstration farm where members and entire community come for trainings.